Written by: Lars of Elfonso’s Cat Interiors

It’s not called Al-Fonso, but Elfonso!

Before we get caught up in a ball of yarn of storytelling, we would like to lead you to three essential questions on a red wool thread; “How did Elfonso’s Cat Interior come about?”, “How did we come up with the name?”, and “What is our mission?”

1) How did Elfonso’s Cat Interiors come about? How did it all start?

At the beginning of 2020, two cat lovers named Johanna and Lars decided to make their long-term wish come true: finally becoming cat parents.

The impending first lockdown acted like a catalyst for this decision. Suddenly, there was more time to be spent at home, and therefore more time for potential furry housemates.

A perfect moment for two kittens to move in! So the two cute-as-a-button female kittens Elfi and Schepsi found their way into Johanna’s and Lars’ lives and hearts. Both cats are black, Schepsi has long fur and Elfi rather short, shiny hair.

two cute black kittens cuddling

But of course, such magnificent cats need an equally magnificent scratch tree, which was still missing. Careful research revealed that there was nothing suitable on the market.

Hence, the idea arose to design a cat scratching post that would meet both human and cat aesthetic and functional requirements. The next question that came up was: “How and where to build such a tree?”.

In order to develop a high-quality product, expert help was needed.

Purely by chance, Pawpi Lars remembered his glorious furniture designer friend Marco, who doesn’t only have outstanding ideas and technical skills, but also owns a workshop with all the required tools and machinery.

Luckily, Marco agreed to help our proud cat parents to deal with this ambitious task (“Yes … we can do it!”).

2) How did we come up with the name?

The work on the tree began as our happy kittens were growing and developing splendidly.

However, after a few weeks, the vet discovered that Elfi, the short-haired kitten, was actually a boy! Due to the unexpected discovery of Elfi’s crown jewels, a different name was needed.

Lars came up with ‘Elfonso’ in order to stick with his old Name Elfi. Reluctantly, Johanna accepted this change and adapted to the new situation. This is how the brand name was created.

3) What is our mission?

Our mission is to develop aesthetic and functional scratching posts for cat owners with an affinity for design.

Oftentimes, cat owners invest a lot of money and effort into their personal habitat, but miss an adequate and tasteful scratching post for their darlings.

We want to combine good taste with individual customer requirements and our vision of aesthetics.

Important criteria for the selection of materials are local sources of supply and environmentally friendly and food-safe surface treatments, so that the CO2 footprint is as low as possible and we use the best available materials.

large fancy designer black cat scratching post being photographed

(Photograph by Mario Irrmischer: https://www.irrmischer.com/)

We would like to thank Harris from Catfluence for the opportunity to present our story and our vision to the World. We would be delighted to have sparked interest in our work, and we are open to discuss future projects with prospective customers.

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